Rank 10
Bitshares (BTS)
Just now
$ 0.0022266243 (4.21%)
Mkt. Cap.
$ 6.67 M
Vol. 24H
BTS 56.8 M ($ 126.48 K)
Open 24h
$ 0.0021367235
Low/High 24h
$ 0.002120871 - $ 0.0023623526
Last trade
BTS 4,520.800 ( $ 10.066) / CCCAGG
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BitShares (BTS) was first introduced in a White Paper titled “A Peer-to-Peer Polymorphic Digital Asset Exchange” by Daniel Larimer, Charles Hoskinson, and Stan Larimer. It is a brand of open-source software based on the as blockchain technology as used by Bitcoin. Unlike bitcoins, which do not produce any income for their owners, BitShare can be used to launch Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DACs) which issue shares, produce profits and distribute profits to shareholders. As such, BitShares is about making profitable companies that people want to own shares in, thus creating return for the shareholders. The first DAC launched by this proces was called BitSharesX, a decentralized asset exchange based in Hong Kong. BitShares was originally launched under the name of ProtoShares (PTS); it was later renamed to BitShares (BTS) and "reloaded" in November 2014 by merging several products into BitShares (BTS). 






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Bitshares (BTS)
0.0022266243 USD (4.21%)


$ 6.67 M

$ 126.48 K

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